Safeguarding Policies

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The Queen’s Club believes that it is always unacceptable for a child, young person or adult at risk to experience abuse of any kind and acknowledges its duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk. The Club is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, the requirements of the governing bodies of Lawn Tennis, Rackets, Real Tennis and Squash, government guidance and complies with best practice from the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit. The Club is committed to delivering an enjoyable and safe sporting experience at the Club across all of its activities.

Please refer to the full Safeguarding Policy and Policy Statement below:

The Club's Code of Conduct


All staff, those under contractual arrangements, Members and others using the Club are required to abide by this Code of Conduct:

  • Prioritise the well-being of all children, young people and adults at risk at all times.
  • Be a positive role model and act with integrity.
  • Help to create a safe and inclusive environment both on and off court and promote enjoyable and safe sport at the Club.
  • Welcome and value diversity and make all reasonable efforts to meet individual needs.
  • Keep clear boundaries between sporting/professional and personal life, including on social media.
  • Respect a child’s, young person’s and adult at risk’s right to personal privacy.
  • Check you have the relevant consents from parents/carers children and adults before taking or using photos and videos.
  • Ensure your own roles and responsibilities and those of everyone you are responsible for are clearly outlined and everyone has the information, training and support to carry them out.
  • Where possible, do not be alone with a child or adult at risk. If necessary only do this once advance parental/carer approval has been gained.
  • Do not abuse, neglect harm or discriminate against anyone; or act in a way that may be interpreted as such.
  • Doing nothing is NOT an option; report all concerns and disclosure as soon as possible, following the Safeguarding Concern Reporting Process. If someone is in immediate danger, call the Police (999).

The Club’s Code of Conduct should be interpreted in a spirit of integrity, transparency and common sense, with the best interests of children, young people and adults at risk as the primary consideration.

Safeguarding Concern Report Procedure

If you have any concerns regarding children and any adult at risk’s safety at The Queen’s Club in any way you MUST talk to the Welfare Officer at the Queen’s Club immediately.


Contact Details

The Queen’s Club Welfare Officer: Lorna Roberts
Telephone:  020 7386 3428
Emergency Telephone: 07921 508 435
Email: [email protected]

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

Deputy Welfare Officer: Alison Quinlan
Telephone: 020 7386 3434
Emergency Telephone: 07925 846 140
Email: [email protected]