
The Queen’s Club is a private Members’ Club which, since May 2007, is owned and operated by the Members of the Club.

Application Information

All applicants should be aware that as of Friday 22 March 2019 the Club suspended the acceptance of applications for Full membership (across all ages, for new applicants).

However, applications for the following membership categories remain open:
  • Off-Peak (Over 28, Under 28 and Under 22)
  • Real Tennis, Rackets and Squash (Over 28, Under 28 and Under 22)
  • Rackets and Squash (Over 28, Under 28 and Under 22)
The waiting lists for these categories of membership are currently estimated as:
  • Off Peak: 4 years
  • Real Tennis, Rackets and Squash: 1-2 years
  • Rackets and Squash: 6-12 months
When applying for membership at The Queen’s Club, applicants are required to apply separately as individual applicants.
All applicants must be proposed and seconded by two existing Members (over 18 years of age), who have been Queen’s Club Members and known the candidate for a minimum of two years. The Proposer and Seconder should not be members of the same family. Applicants should be aware that Members may only propose or second a total of two candidates in any Club year (October-September). The Club also requires applicants to provide a minimum of two additional supporting statements from other Members who are known as a Supporter. There is no limit to the number of times a Member may act as a Supporter in any Club year.

Please be advised that, following the Member acquisition of the Club in May 2007, all new applicants (aged over 28 years of age) are required to purchase a redeemable share upon joining. The share price is currently £15,000, which is subject to change without notice.

Applying for membership at The Queen's Club

If you would like to apply for Membership, please first contact an existing Queen’s Club Member, who you would like to act as your Proposer. The Membership Office will liaise with your Proposer in order to provide the necessary application forms and information.

Your Proposer should then return the completed application to the Membership Office.

The application form allows you to choose whether the Membership Office calls you to take payment for the non-refundable Registration Fee of £217 once your application has been received, or whether you would prefer us to email you with the Club’s bank details in order for you to make a bank transfer.

Please tick the relevant box on the form before you hand your paperwork to your Proposer.